We live in Michigan just 5 miles from the beach.  We are lucky each winter to have crazy weather and temperature changes. We have a small home we share with our 2 dogs, Juno and Hera.  They are the loves of our lives . They are a big part of the family.  We also have 3 grown children and 2 grandchildren.   My husband, Virgil and I,  love to eat good food. Who doesn't? Something we have learned through our years together is not to waste calories on your drinks unless it's a special occasion.   Why you say?  Because, I'd rather eat food and drink water or tea.... rather than eat bland food with a soda.  Think about it, I have.  We all need to eat.  Why not save time, money, and energy cooking at home?  We are going to have you preparing meals you never thought possible.   Mistakes will be made but, we will always have resolutions and figure it out together.  There was a time I left the bag of goodies inside the turkey I had prepared for Thanksgiving dinner.  We all had a good laugh and the bird was fine.  I have left the plastic piece that is at the end of a ham... no biggie the ham was fine... another laugh 😃 I tend to be very forgetful as well and have burned my  share of things but, live and learn,  now I use a timer...